Thursday, April 8, 2010

Goal Updates

Let me know how you are doing on your goals! 

My reading has suffered this last week.  Morning sickness has struck and struck hard.  My free time has been eaten up by sleeping and feeling lousy.  I know that is no excuse, but I'm keeping it real. 

Prayer time has been going pretty well.

What about you????


  1. Prayer time has been good. Bible reading has been sketchy for me. Alone time has been, well almost none existent. I think I may have to think outside the box for that one. And when i say box I mean house! Anyone have any suggestions?

  2. Hey Melissa! Sorry I've not been online for a couple of days. Sometimes I find that if I just go outside on the porch or to the park, it is a peaceful, quiet time. Finding time to actually get out of the house by myself is just about impossible. Heck, finding time to go to the bathroom by myself is just about impossible.... :)
